
Aircon Cleaning Service in Cebu

Air Conditioner cleaning service for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Clients.

Let our experienced and certified Air Conditioner and Refrigeration Specialists clean you air conditioner units.

Premier Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Services offers affordable rates for all aircon cleaning services. 

We accept all types of air conditioners for cleaning.

Benefits of Doing Regular Air Conditioner Cleaning

  1. Improved Air Conditioner Efficiency
    Dust and debris builds up over time and blocks the normal air flow of your air conditioner. Dusts covers the evaporator coils which reduces its ability to absorb heat. This forces the air conditioner to work harder than its normal operation which reduce the efficiency and cooling ability of your air conditioner.
  2. Save on Electric Bills
    Air conditioners consume more electricity than other household appliances. Having a dirty air conditioning unit will consume more power as it will work harder than its normal operation therefore increasing its electric consumption.
  3. Minimize Expensive Repair Cost or Replacement
    Air conditioners that are not regularly cleaned and serviced will eventually lead to more and bigger problems. Accumulated dust and dirt are much harder to clean. Your air conditioner will be prone to overheating and ice build ups. Getting your air conditioner cleaned regularly can help prevent these problems.
  4. Better Air Quality
    Accumulated dirt and dust are breeding grounds for mold, bacteria, germs and fungi which contaminate the air. Regularly cleaning your air conditioner ensures you that the air it blows is free from these harmful contaminants.

We Clean All Types of Air Conditioners

Premier Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Services accepts cleaning of all types of air conditioning units from all manufacturers.

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